Nevada Resources Online
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call:

Notice: The Office of Suicide Prevention website is informational and not intended as a crisis response or hotline.
Nevada Resources Online
PLEASE NOTE: The Office of Suicide Prevention and the State of Nevada have no responsibility or control of the contents of the websites listed below. These links are provided only as a convenience. The inclusion of any link does not necessarily imply endorsement or participation in the activities of the listed sites.
Crisis Support Services of Nevada
The Crisis Support Services of Nevada provides intervention, prevention, referral, and education services to the community and supports those individuals in crisis by helping them to make constructive and productive choices.
NAMI Nevada
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Nevada coordinates regional affiliates to educate,
advocate, and support individuals & families living with mental illness.
Northern Nevada NAMI serves Washoe County. Southern Nevada NAMI serves Clark
County, Pahrump, and Mesquite. Western Nevada NAMI is based in Carson City and
serves the remaining rural & frontier counties.
Nevada 211 Resource Directory
Nevada 2-1-1 is Nevada’s most comprehensive, free connection to critical health and human services. Information about local community services is available in a single statewide location that can be accessed via voice, text, and online.
Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention (NCSP)
The Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention (NCSP) is a statewide coalition dedicated to suicide prevention efforts and made possible through our members in the mental and physical health professions, business community, survivors, advocates, and other supporters. Our goal is to increase community knowledge and support of suicide prevention through public awareness and education, to help save precious lives.
Nevada Statewide Coalition Partnership (Healthier Nevada)
Creating a Healthier Nevada is a statewide effort by the members of the Nevada Statewide Coalition Partnership. Working together to reduce the number of overdose deaths through community, family and prescriber education. Creating a Healthier Nevada.
SafeVoice of Nevada
Students, parents and faculty throughout Nevada now have access to SafeVoice, an anonymous reporting system used to report threats to the safety or well-being of students. SafeVoice was established by the Nevada Department of Education under SB 212 in 2017 to protect student wellness, prevent violence and save lives.