If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call:
Notice: The Office of Suicide Prevention website is informational and not intended as a crisis response or hotline.
Preventing Suicide
Knowledge is the key to action. Success is the door that the key unlocks. Studies indicate that the most promising way to prevent suicide and suicidal behavior is through the early recognition and treatment of depression and other psychiatric illnesses. To put the key of knowledge in your hands, we provide the following information to assist your education about suicide and it's prevention.
The very best way to start your own effort is to become educated about the problem of suicide. There is no typical victim of suicide. Anyone?no matter what their age, income, job status, or family relationships?could potentially be a suicide completer.
In many cases, particularly among teens, suicide is an impulsive decision. Fortunately, there are some warning signs that can help you recognize a person in crisis. You may wish to refer to Online Resources for additional information about how to recognize suicide warning signs and what to do if someone you know is threatening suicide.