September is Suicide Prevention Month. Help us save lives.

Changing the Narrative on Suicide

Every September, the Nevada community gathers together to bring awareness to the important public health issue of suicide. This year, the International Association on Suicide Prevention has declared the theme for the 2024 September Suicide Prevention Month to be "Changing the Narrative on Suicide." In line with this theme, the Nevada Suicide Prevention Month Task Force has come up with key recommendations for citizens, business owners, faith-based groups and anyone else who can help prevent suicide.

Light up the State!

Join us in displaying purple and turquoise lights outside your business, home, or school to change the narrative for our neighbors and communities that with help and hope, suicide can be prevented. If you can’t change physical lights, you can light up your social media profiles with purple and turquoise banners, posts, or profile pictures.

Download the Toolkit!

The Nevada Suicide Prevention Task Force has developed a unique toolkit to provide free resources to anyone who wants to safely reduce deaths from suicide in Nevada. With free social media posts and activities for faith-based organizations, businesses, schools and more, download the free toolkit here.


Suicide Prevention Month Partner Toolkit

Learn more about the team that made this possible!