Truth or Myth - About Adult Suicide
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Notice: The Office of Suicide Prevention website is informational and not intended as a crisis response or hotline.
What Do You Know About Suicide?
Mark each question below as Truth or Myth then check your answers below.
- Most people with thoughts of suicide have made up their minds they really want to die.
- Mental health professionals are the only ones who can really help a person in crisis.
- People who want attention talk about suicide; those who are set on killing themselves say nothing.
- There is no correlation between drug and alcohol abuse and suicide.
- Experts believe for each teen suicide, there are as many as two attempts.
- The top factors associated with adolescent suicide are depression and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
- In Nevada, more people are murdered than die by suicide each year.
- Adolescent suicide is not a big factor in Nevada.
- Adolescent girls are more likely to attempt suicide than boys, but boys are more likely to die by suicide.
- People who are thinking about suicide tend to hide it very well.
- People who talk about killing themselves or make suicide threats and attempts should always be treated seriously.
- Most people thinking about suicide are in long-term crisis situations.
- If you ask a person about his suicidal intentions, you'll encourage the person to kill himself.
- Most people thinking about suicide develop a plan. The more specific the plan, the greater the danger.
- A promise to keep a note unopened and unread should always be honored.
Answer Key
- Myth. Most people with thoughts of suicide desperately want to live. Many will seek help immediately after attempting to harm themselves.
- Myth. Interventions by mental health professionals are very important, but many individuals with thoughts of suicide never see a therapist. It is important all people who interact with a person in crisis know how to help them.
- Myth. All suicide threats must be taken seriously. This behavior may be a sign of deep depression, and professional help is needed. While it may, in fact, be a manipulative act, it is one which may end in death.
- Myth. Alcohol, drug use and suicide often go hand in hand. Addicts are at increased risk for suicidal behavior. Even people who don't usually drink or use drugs will often use these substances shortly before killing themselves.
- Myth. The problem is even more common; for each youth suicide, an estimated 20 or more attempts occur by other young people.
- Truth. Most people thinking about suicide suffer some degree of depression. In young people, depression often goes undiagnosed until a crisis occurs. Depression may leave a person feeling drained and "too tired" to carry out a suicide plan. When depression begins to lift with sudden improvement, be aware it could be a very dangerous time. The three months following a period of depression are a critical time for suicide risk. During this period, the person has the energy to act, and may even appear cheerful and at peace with the world.
- Myth. In Nevada, suicide has a higher death rate than homicide. In 2017, 627 persons died by suicide; 221 died by homicide. Nearly three times as many died by suicide than by murder. In 2017, the homicide rate for Nevada is 7.37 (compared to the US rate of 5.9) while the suicide rate for Nevada is 20.91 (compared to the US rate of 14.48).
- Myth. In Nevada, youth suicide is the second leading cause of death. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for youth.
- Truth. Four times as many young men kill themselves as young women. This is true despite the fact three to four times as many young women attempt suicide.
- Myth. People thinking about suicide usually send strong warning signs. Warning signs are changes in a person's behavior considered to be out of character. Research shows all individuals who attempt suicide give clues they intend to kill themselves.
- Truth. All suicide threats should be taken seriously. Intervention should happen immediately.
- Myth. The average crisis period lasts for about two weeks. The earlier the intervention the better. Anyone can start the process to get a person thinking about suicide the help they need.
- Myth. Talking about suicide does not cause someone to become suicidal. Encouraging someone to talk about pent-up emotions through a frank discussion shows that you care and are willing to help.
- Truth. Once the idea of suicide has been considered, the person has to plan the time, place, and means to complete the act. With early intervention, there is less time for a person in crisis to plan and the danger is decreased (though not eliminated).
- Myth. Promises and confidences cannot be maintained when the potential for harm exists. A sealed note can be a serious warning sign of suicidal intent.
Your Suicide Prevention Readiness Score
12 to 15 correct: You should be prepared to come to the aid of a person who is could be thinking about suicide. Remember, however, learning about this important subject never truly ends.
10 to 12 correct: You are quite knowledgeable about many aspects of suicide prevention. Learning more will give you tools which might help prevent a suicide.
10 or fewer correct: It is best you learn more about various issues surrounding suicide prevention so you can be there if and when someone needs you.
This material is adapted with permission from The Hope Book: An Educator's Guide to Suicide Prevention - developed by the Healthy Community Coalition, an affiliate of the Franklin Community Health Network (PO Box 566, Farmington, ME 04938 - Phone: 201-778-7283)