Reduce Access to Lethal Means Project
If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call:

Notice: The Office of Suicide Prevention website is informational and not intended as a crisis response or hotline.
Support for Families
Nevada’s Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Office of Suicide and Prevention (OSP) and the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency applied for and received funds from the Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund, the CARES Act. These funds are being used to support families with youth who are at risk for suicide.
OSP’s Reduce Access to Lethal Means Program understands keeping firearms and medications locked up reduces the possibility of a death by suicide. To address this, OSP is working with community agencies to provide safes and locks for firearms to families whose members who may be in crisis and at risk for suicide.
Free Safes and Locks for Firearms
To Protect Adults and Other Questions about Locks and Safes
In Northern Nevada contact Taylor Morgan, OSP Training an Outreach Facilitator at 775-684-2238.
In Southern Nevada contact Richard Egan, OSP Training an Outreach Facilitator at 702-486-8225.
Firearm Statistics
- Nevada law prohibits youth from unsupervised access to firearms. Yet historically, about a dozen youth die each year by suicide using firearms.
- Over recent years, suicide has been the #1 cause of death for secondary school age youth.
- For years, suicide has been the 2nd leading cause of death for youth 15-24 years old in Nevada.
- According to the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer, in recent years about $2.6 million worth of firearms are stolen annually in Nevada. Only about 26% of those firearms are recovered.
- Historically, over 343 persons per year die by suicide with a firearm in Nevada.
- Experts are predicting Nevada’s suicide rate to increase in 2020-21.